
Our English programme aims to develop children’s literacy skills and competence in the language. The phonics component teaches children the basic skills in reading and spelling decodable words, as well as recognizing sight (or tricky) words. The programme combines stories, rhymes, literacy activities, reading, spelling and creative writing. Together with our in-house materials, we use a total of 19 readers for K2 and K3.


Our Mathematics programme emphasises the development of fundamental Mathematical concepts from the concrete to the abstract. The language-oriented and problem-solving approach involves interesting hands-on activities that make Mathematics fun and challenging. We use a combination of our own materials, Key to Learning curriculum and an Australian programme, Growing with Mathematics.

Art & Craft

Activities like painting, printing, drawing, collage work and handcraft allow children another medium of expression that is fun and absorbing. Attention is focused on aesthetic appreciation and creativity. Besides individual art creations, children will also be involved in group art projects. There is often integration between art activities and other activities in the programme.

Music & Movement

While elements of music and movement are interwoven into the teaching of English, Chinese and Mathematics, there is a separate time set aside for the exploration of music and movement.

Our Music and Movement programme uses a kinaesthetic approach that helps children internalise the music process and builds their creative expression.

Through fun and creative music and movement activities, children will be engaged and immersed in meaningful English Language experiences.

Creative and Critical Thinking

During Creative and Critical Thinking lessons, children have the opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas. It is a time where children are encouraged to ask questions and to come up with logical answers themselves. The emphasis is on the observation of the environment using all the senses. Components of the MATAL Early Childhood Programme from Israel form the basis in developing these critical thinking skills.

Learning Centre Activities

Various learning centres, including art, construction, dramatic, English, Chinese, Mathematics and library, are set up in the classrooms to provide opportunities for independent learning. Learning centres offer a variety of activities and materials that cater to the multiple intelligences of children, and children can choose to go to the learning centres that interest them.

“You Can Do It” Socio-Emotional Learning Programme (Australia)

Our YCDI programme teaches our children:

  • specific social and emotional skills (confidence, persistence, organisation, getting along with others) to help them take responsibility for their learning, behaviour and emotional well-being
  • to increase their motivation and engagement level for learning and achievement.
  • to develop positive relationships and behaviour.
  • to achieve better mental health and well-being.

Our YCDI programme addresses the following components:

1. Self-awareness

  • Attitude
  • Becoming con^dent and accepting Being happy and fulfilled
  • Self motivation
  • Persistence
  • Resilience
  • Accepting myself
  • Taking risks
  • Being independent

2. Social awareness

  • Relationship with others/getting along
  • Being tolerant of others
  • Self-management
  • Setting goals
  • Time management
  • Relationship skills
  • Relationship with others
  • Responsible decision-making
  • Playing by the rules

Key to Learning

Key to Learning is a unique educational developmental cognitive curriculum for the Early Years, specially designed to provide optimal learning experiences.

Key to Learning modules covered at the K2 & K3 levels:

  • Creative Modeling
  • Construction
  • Sensory Mathematics
  • Developmental Games

Include picture of Bene drawing a tree at the garden